Saturday, October 9, 2010

When the lights go out;

we'll be safe and sound,
we'll take control of the world,
like it's all we have to hold on to,
and we'll be a dream. 

wonders of the sky, so naturally beautiful. this is the view of the sun painting the sky orange from my house this evening. it was so beautiful my sister had to take a picture of it and i had to place it here, and this is without a single touch of editing.

am liking the song above at the moment. especially after the coincidence that happened with Dorie. this same song started playing on the radio in the car when we were on our way to Giza after having dinner together, and then again on our way to the airport another day we sent her off. :)

it's usually when we lose something we realise how much we are missing it. everyone's everywhere now hmm... seriously in need of inspirations to come out with ideas for the coming presentation and also something! ;) *think think think*
wth :'( it hurts.

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