Tuesday, May 29, 2012

so what if it's only 3 years +

you know it still means a lot to you when you think you're okay with it, only to find tears in your eyes everytime you think about it. that bitter feeling... is there really nothing i can do about it?

Saturday, May 26, 2012


i guess it wasn't familiar working with strangers that it attempted suicide today. but i know if it was myself borrowing a camera from a friend for a video recording assignment, and if it accidentally slipped off my hands and got damaged, i would feel so baaad, so so so bad that i might not even want to go back to see my friend. with that thought in mind, knowing that they're feeling very bad about it too but is ready to make compensation, all i wanted was to let them know it's alright. at least that's just a camera, an object without feelings that can easily be repaired. as long as nobody continues to feel bad about it. after all, what has happened can never be changed, there's no point dwelling on it.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How far do you think you can go?

since giving up is obviously NOT an option, you HAVE to do this! and believe that you CAN do it! like the mesmerising lady said "know that you can do it. because things only happen when you're ready for it. and this is only going to test what you're made of..." SO, jia you siew ming!! :) :) :)

that mesmerising lady, is really pretty mesmerising. such great charisma.

making another person feel good is one of the best feelings in the world....

Monday, May 21, 2012

Nothing is impossible.

the only time i wished the red light would stay red for a longer time. cultivating lovelier drivers?

in three days, i saw two kitties somewhat flattened on the road. first was a tiny white kitten still struggling in pain in the middle of the road. then this bigger kitty lying motionless near the curb. accidents :(

and why is my sense of direction so terrible?! can't believe i could get lost going to a place that is not even five minutes away from uni. gave my sister a good shock. 

dropped sis's friend at one u today and group assignments became their topic the entire journey back. of people editing another's work, how people pretended to be alright but complained about everything in his/her blog, even when she was unhappy working in that situation she just chose to keep quiet, etc. 

what's the magic that would make a team sparkle in group assignments? 

is it true that nothing is impossible? 

Sunday, May 20, 2012


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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Those words that i really want to say, i'm not able to tell you.

poor plushie getting a bite on the head by sis.

fun fact: did you know elephant walk felt like an extra long walk without you? :(
days like these make me realise how much i treasure my sister's company especially when walking back to elephant walk. *paranoid much

was so happy to see this reply to a teacher's day wish sitting in my inbox when i was checking mails today.

"......It's been a pleasure being able to play a small part in facilitating the learning experience of young people such as yourself. I guess, this is the "intrinsic value" of this profession which is priceless :-) .....all except the marking....:-| 

At the end of the day, nothing pleases us more than to see you achieve the most of what life has in store for you. ......"

i wonder what life has in store for me.... and the rest of us. :) by next year, we'll be parting ways, wouldn't get to see each other from monday to friday anymore. a whole new chapter to our lives.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Like ships in the night.

while waiting for the train at Morecambe.

'cause even when my tired little sister has fallen asleep in the back seat, the clouds up above the sky are always still there to accompany me all the way home. it's really very cool that they appear in the most irregular forms ever. full of surprises.

never will i be able to predict what lies ahead, just gonna embrace everything that is coming my way. good or bad, happy or sad, stress or STRESS, they are still part of what i go through in my life. i've got no choice but to love 'em all.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Keep moving on.

went looking through some of the old photos just so i could get my mind off everything for a moment. and i stumbled upon this cute picture of our keychains taken back then when we were in pre-u. miss those times soooo badly right now. just recently, i got caught frowning a couple of times when i didn't know i was, been feeling a lot less bubbly, this silly crying thing is becoming a major shareholder of my life, first thing when my sister saw me she asked why do i look so miserable. that's it. i was slightly worried that i might have accidentally step foot into depression without myself knowing so i went googling for symptoms of depression. scares me to see that i could actually reflect most of the symptoms upon myself. other than one thing that gave me comfort, no matter how helpless and hopeless i sometimes feel, i never stopped believing that things would get better. 

and yes, it will get better! :)

when you're faced with a tough semester, you just gotta be tougher than it is! we'll survive this. 

Monday, May 14, 2012


they say... if you genuinely like someone, all you want would be to see him/her happy.

and as long as he/she is happy, nothing else really matters.

on an irrelevant note, super nostalgic today eavesdropping the conversation of this bunch of high school guys (and they're from bu4! still in their blue prefect uniforms and yellow name tagss. lups). trying to concentrate on how the rise in cocoa price would affect Nestle but i just couldn't help smiling. four of them reminded me of how the four of us used to be playing our self-created games laughing until stomach pain times. they were arguing if pee was acidic or alkaline by the way. Lol!

also, just realised that they built a shelter over the school's tapak perhimpunan :O and a couple of our favourite teachers got transferred to the other schools when they didn't actually want to :(
things really change, don't they?


what's most important now?  what can't wait?  what can wait?  what do you really want?

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Why are you doing what you're doing?

attended a workshop on communication skills today and learned the five important C's in the communication process with anyone at anytime. 

communication is such an art.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

what have i done.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Reality check.

so that's how it's like when the car battery dies off early in the morning. leaves you in despair. been such a sucky person today. wish i didn't have to be so sensitive. eeeh the page for the month of May/June in my Sunway diary is becoming so flimsy thanks to all the scribbles and flipping. about three more weeks to go...

"someone who truly appreciates/loves you will never want to let go of you so easily"

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Both the best & the worst.

had one of the sweetest dreams last night, which i haven't had in some time already. but woke up to a fuuuhreeaking awful nightmare this morning. first thing i did when i opened my eyes was to turn to my left, seeing my little sister cuddled up in her blanket and still sleeping very cutely really helped to wash away all the terrible feeling from losing her in the bad bad dream.

to be loved, and to be able to love.. are just equally great.

Friday, May 4, 2012

When you least expect.

surprised that you actually waited with me for my sister to come down to the foyer before walking to the faraway parking spot together. how you even asked her for her name and introduced yourself. it's probably nothing, but definitely something i didn't expect of you. just wanna say, it feels much nicer when you're friendly like this.

Thursday, May 3, 2012


why have i forgotten about you when you're most needed?

if you don't want to give up on something, then don't. either way it's going to hurt as much.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

and so what's behind those laughter?

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

anywhere anytime.

for reals. anything can happen.

can i do this?