Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Twenty fourteen now.

This life we only get to live once, is like an adventure out in the wild. We do not know exactly what is coming up, but at every crossroad we get to make a choice. A choice which would then indirectly determine the kind of journey we wish to travel.

Just the other day my younger sister mentioned to me she's keeping a diary and i thought hey, why not. And then i remembered my long abandoned scribbling space here :)

2013 has definitely been filled with lots of ups and downs and it felt like a big roller coaster ride. Many things have changed since then. Now, i am just really eager to find out how 2014's going to turn out to be.

Can't wait till chinese new year cus i finally get a break to go back to hometown and visit wai po. One more working day! jia you siew ming :D