Thursday, November 4, 2010

A sombre dream.

this is the second time a car park appears as the setting in my dream. and the dream was just equally way suckier! although it was all a dream, but everything that happened in the dream felt exactly like it's really happening. glad i actually told it out to the person who's involved in the dream, so as people say, after telling it out it won't happen :) dreams like this where people who are very important to me vanishes (don't feel like using the word :/) can be quite disturbing.

doubts doubts doubts, intention intention intention, considerations considerations considerations


Jyy Yee said...

Ming, don't tell me is that dream again... HAHAHA!!

Siew Ming said...

heyy jyy yee...this time's with my college friends.

Jyy Yee said...

oh okie.. then tell me more when we meet or chat the next time ^^

Huei-Wen said...

YES i do dream about people dear to me 'vanishing' sometimes. and i wake up crying. but you know it wont happen because it wont! :D