Sunday, November 14, 2010

Never take things for granted...

it is as if when i know that very something or someone will never ever leave me no matter what, i tend to be a little less careful with it, less careful than how i would have treated it if i knew it was something or someone i might lose.

a similar idea being expressed using different words or actions may seem very different altogether. choose the better way, it makes things a lot easier. :)

some people are just so positively charged, merely hearing from them can elevate my mood so so much! :D

there are times i think too much about certain things before it even happens, and when it really happens, it turns out to be different most of the time. i should quit that habit.

then there are also times i really intend to bring out something but fail miserably because others saw it the other way round; of course, times when i do not intend at all but was thought to have intended happens too. very very very rare though.

above all, my favourite moments are those when i feel happy, without really knowing why i feel so. when it's all coming from within, naturally.

(Y) If I Die Young, by The Band Perry.
a random song i heard my sister listening to, don't understand why it's given such a sad-case title. but i like it.

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