Wednesday, November 10, 2010

What's done, is done.

just like words that have been said, they can never be taken back. there will be times i regret doing certain things and wonder, if the same situation were to repeat itself, i wouldn't have treated it the same way i did. and things would probably continue to happen differently altogether. perhaps better. 

but in fact, everything in life only accumulates because they don't exactly get demolished like what many parts in Sunway's currently undergoing. speaking of which, i never knew what they did to LT5 until today when i went to the class right opposite it, NW-4-2. 

i have to admit it wasn't at all a pleasant sight, quite freeeeaky actually! with the sign board hanging from the ceiling swaying from one side to the other whenever the wind gushes through the corridor, then you hear that occasional drilling sound from another part of the building undergoing renovation...

it's all empty now! :0 btw, i can't wait for them to complete all the projects that have been planned for, please be faster so at least i get to use them before i leave. already quite excited to try out the new canopy walk that connects us to Sunway Pyramid x)

other than the attendance, which was kinda expected, committee installation today was pretty good. it was fun meeting all the different people, some are shy, some really outspoken, some very enthusiastic, some have interests and skills that are not corresponding which makes it harder for them to pick the one department that best fits them, some are probably still confused i cannot guess what's in his mind... well there was this guy who really really reminded me of Chee Hung! as in the way he responded to our questions. "so... any feedback? how do you feel about today's meeting?" "err, okay okay la... i think it's okay la.."  the typical chee hung style haha!

hmm and i think i need to find more confidence in myself when i speak. the core committee members are really easy-going though. "there's something wrong with the way i walk, the sole of my shoe became more haus on one side... what's haus called in English?" "thirsty!" "LOL" 

left at 6.30pm but only reached home an hour later, can't imagine how the working people endure the jam everyday when they're already so tired from one whole day of work.

if it's either you make or break... you're so gonna make it! :) 

1 comment:

Huei-Wen said...

that place looks really scary o.O haha and im very interested to see that so called ''cheehung'' must be quite interesting to see a replica of him aint? have fun in your community service club! u'll excel im sure!