Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I'm a B+ve :)

results for my blood test is finally out! was hoping that i could be an AB since my dad is one, but it didn't come true.

one evening when i was chatting with my brother over msn, trying to find a day where all six of us will be at home so we could go have a good father's day celebration... and i realised it's so difficult now to find that very day. 

i missed those times when i would go to bed the same time as my sisters then we would talk and laugh all the way until somehow my elder sis is always the one who falls asleep first. then my lil sis and i will naughtily wanna wake her up again by pushing her or tickling her or taking her blanket off her *evil thoughts...* 

nowadays i find myself being glued to the computer most of the time, when i'm home and not studying or what, i'll be facing the computer. there are times my younger sis would walk up to me and say "i know you don't like me already, always never listen to my stories." then i'll give her a hug and ask her if she's got any interesting stories to tell me. i know she's just saying. but sometimes i really think i used to be a better sister. 

how will our lives be like without a computer or a laptop? without all the complicated high-tech gadgets... 

1 comment:

Deneshweren said...

our work is like that..chill