Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Bright Side

so many things can happen, but whether you'll be able to see the results you wish to see really depends on how you treat it. i actually surprised myself. 

well, it's only the beginning of the second week of my 3-weeks long sem break and i'm already feeling that things are getting much better. i guess expressing it out really helped. a lot. honestly, i'm not even sure what kind of feeling that was, but it's like a mixture of super a lot of things that ended up making me feel all uneasy. so glad it's all gone with the winds now~ 

by the way, Black Swan is such a scary show, scary in few different ways, i can't believe my sister watched it when she's not even eighteen! uugh kids nowadays -_- haihz talking about my sister, i still remember how we were both laughing before we slept and i totally didn't see that coming zzz. never let that happen again please! but i like it how sisters being sisters, the next morning itself we were back to NORMAL as if nothing had happened the night before. was it just a dream? Lol. anyways, for some parts i'm sorry. 

just really want to love everyone whom i care for even more now. and really hope the Tsunami victims in Japan receive enough of whatever they need, be it substance or emotional support. when i think of myself in their situation there's absolutely no reason for me to be unhappy about anything at all. 

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