Friday, June 25, 2010

seriously serious.

in 9 days time,
5 papers to scribble on,
less than 2 days for each subject,
more than just 5 books to devour.

so much pressure that i'm giving myself,
as what the lecturers have said,
the papers won't be easy,
in other words, tough.

essay questions all the way,
i hope my hand coordinates well with my brain,
got to think as fast as i write,
and write as fast as i can think.

already breaking into cold sweat,
what more the freezing air conditioning in the exam hall,
i hope my pen's ink won't solidify.

in the coming days,
i'm going to study like there's no tomorrow,
because if i don't,
i won't pass with flying colours,
i want these colours very badly this time.

the amount of effort's what determines the results,
this is a fact i know better than anything else.

please just stay focus and not let the brain wander around,
time is running out.

good luck to my friends and myself,

we can do it. 


Huei-Wen said...

siewming! you can do it! you have my luck + yours by your side no worries. it'll at least help 1% for your paper :D the other 97% will be from you <3 if you're feeling stress you can rant to me anytime okay. stay focus! you can do this! <3

Siew Ming said...

thanks aaaaa lot huei-wen... :) it's very nice to see this when i feel very stressed up studying. <3 can't wait to see you!