Tuesday, October 23, 2012

New found phobia.

i've got to admit driving was never really my thing (despite passing my driving test the first time itself without extra money out of pocket woots), and ever since the accident it might have gotten worse :( whatever distance i used to keep with the car in front of mine is times two or even three now. 

there's always this creepy feeling in me that i'll never get to brake my car in time. come to think of it, it's been seven months since i've actually really started driving now, and it took me a while before i gathered enough courage to go onto the fast lane for the first time (no thanks to the jam to and fro sunway), then i slowly got used to it. but sigh, after the accident happened, i kinda reverted back to my old self where i would just choose to stay on my left.

plus my sister who just came back from her undang test yesterday feeling mentally disturbed by some gruesome accident videos they showed them, her stories just didn't help at all. sadly, i'm also back to my very stiff self when i was driving, where i can barely even engage myself in a proper conversation with anyone when the car's in motion. *sister's gonna get more sleeping time in the car! Lol* 

on a serious note, i've gotta drive more and explore more roads to get rid of the stiffness when i drive AND to be better with my sense of direction! 

feeling so much tension just talking about driving. so i shall end this post with a cute pic of Ador and sister's balloonie :3 baby Ador is just so adorbzzzz nobody can ever resist. 

*kiss on the cheek heh :P 

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