Monday, April 19, 2010


Never do things last minute anymore PLEASE!

AIB pre-tutorial exercise already doubled my heartbeat rate just now, rushing to get it done to be submitted before 12am. Not a satisfactory work though it won't be graded.

Accounting assignment is another killer, i feel so the super bad for Denesh. He actually started off by sorting out the tables nicely for us already, but what have i been doing with the tables? Seriously thank him for sending the tables and the many many annual reports from year to year.

Only until just now, i started to look at them and realised it requires A LOT of time just to fill up one table. Die.

And what, there are 16 tables waiting for me... one takes up about an hour, so i'll need 16 hours! It's group assignment okay, and i know nobody likes a member who does things at the last minutes. *slaps self*

Recently i have a lot of thoughts running in mind, goodbadhappysad altogether. Besides how i hate myself for procrastinating soooo much, life has been pretty good lately.

* *

Entered a _ _ _ for the first time, i don't think it's a place where i belong.

For that, i lost my bracelet, it must have slipped off my wrist when we were running away from the "bad guys" from curve. Can't blame us, it was dark and quiet, of course we became suspicious of everything. "You watch front, i watch back", it was crazy how we held hands and ran and laughed all the way home.

1 comment:

Huei-Wen said...

omg u lost your bracelet! yeah that place so wasnt meant for us, i think we still prefer cheap mamak food right? by the pool side~ so romantic. haha but the running part was quite funny and scary at the same time, act so brave infront of the guys but so timid inside HAHA.

i miss you again! :D play hard but work hard too!