Saturday, August 29, 2009


classes have been cancelled today to give way to a seminar/talk for those who are planning to take accounting and finance in the future. it was held at MPH. at 9am, we entered and what gave us a shock was the arrangement of the tables and chairs. before this we were actually saying, let's sit somewhere in the midpoint in the middle or sth like that i can't remember.
there were about 5 round tables, and the chairs all surrounding them. reminds me alot of the setting of a wedding dinner X) we were asked to sit at one of the tables in front. waited for the rest to come.
it started off with a game... called i forgot what. but it's a combination of bingo and scavenger hunt. oh before that, we were divided into groups according to the cards we picked. i was in the monkey group haha X) so each group was given a pieace of yellow paper with 25 boxes on it, each box shows an item we're supposed to find from just anywhere within the college. aim is to get as many bingo's as possible.
everyone was expecting a not-so-interesting long talk. who knows we had to run around like kids finding for all the objects! my team kinda failed haha. one of the memebers didn't manage to get back in time, and there were still some unfound items. btw, Su AnnAnn's group WON the game! cheers for them~!!
conclusion of the game: time management and team work are both equally important.
then another guy took over for the talk. it was not bad, interesting talk especially with all the humurous responses from the crowd.
some of the things i find nice...
"If you do things well, do them better, be daring, be first, be different, be just. "
- by Dame Anita Roddick, founder of The Body Shop.
The role of universities:
" turn restless 17, to 19 years old, into stable 21, to 23 years old adults, to help them grow up, learn who they are, search for a larger purpose in life, and leave university a better human being..."



Huei-Wen said...

hahah scavenger hunt sounds quite funny, the talk/seminar/course ive been so far had been very very boring, not like urs so nice :D

Siew Ming said...

haha X) as early as 9am, they made us ran around college searching for weird objects like stones, hairclips, some head's car no. plate, ang pau packet, leaves, scissors, business cards and more... quite tiring but fun though :)

havnen't met you online in some time already. good luck with your tests ya!