sometimes i can't help but to feel that every assignment completed is like a baby being delivered. the stress, the tension, the expectations and disappointments, the awkward this-is-not-how-we-usually-talk moments, the pressure and encouragement, everything all put into one... until the very moment you put that full stop to end the conclusion, it just feels damn good.
in one of our random conversations my mom actually asked, "who do you like working with most for assignments?" heh is there even an answer to it? there are assignment buddies who make me feel so secured, like i know with him/her nothing will ever go wrong, there are also the ones who amaze me with the way he/she analyses and gives opinions, the ones who are organised and just perfectly organised, the ones who can google better than google itself, the ones who are forever keeping everyone calm... but they're all good. sometimes too good that i know i've not done my part well enough. and i truly believe that apologies are nothing if they don't come with actions. so, yeah.
trust is such an amazing thing. it's like a silent bridge that completes whatever needs to be understood between two different souls...
*whoa never knew blog posts can be justified too. post-assignment-syndrome much!