Wednesday, February 16, 2011


the process of this whole video recording assignment is making me admire them actors & directors even more. Merely a 10mins video with a total of less than 10 scenes, is already taking up quite a lot of our time.

but am definitely not complaining cuz it's actually quite fun tho i discovered that i have serious mouth problem :( in a few scenes where i'm supposed to look terrified, i still look like i'm smiling from sideways. -_-

Of course another problem is that we're not equipped pro cameras and stuff. so sometimes a good angle must be sacrificed for clear sound. entering pyramid as early as 8am to avoid their loud CNY music is also a first.

Yesterday we even saw this beggar eating the leftovers at starbucks, and in the end got shooed by the guards :/

Laughing at our owm NG takes can be really funny. I can't wait to see the end product actually!

sometimes thinking too much can be really bad thing.

After looking at the pictures alina posted, i'm missing her even more now.

Zhuxiao just left too. The other day at huang lao shi's house, when teacher mentiomed her name i felt more nostalgic than i thought i would. She'such a dear primary friend whom i'll always remember her hse phone no. it was like a daily routine for us to call each other and just talk abt everthingggg.

Im gonna miss these people around me so badly.

And haihh "bei ji zat kat" cant seem to be applicable to every situation...

I seriously hope for the best for u.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


it was good to be back at Uni after a week of CNY break. well, good in the sense that i'm saying byebye to that period of 'mental retardation' or so my siblings and i call it. that couple of days without computer or access to the internet definitely felt strange, a live example of interdependent relationship? :p

chinese new year as usual is one festival i'll always look forward to, cause that's when everyone gets back together and everyone is somehow supposedly happier. i like it in every way except the fact that it is also one festival which really reminds me of the loved ones who've left us earlier on. 

this year's chinese new year at my mom's hometown in perak, i witnessed the most 'kong ming deng' rising in the night sky ever in my life! such a beautiful sight i almost felt like i was in Rapunzel, the scene where the girl saw many many lanterns. those shiny dots are not stars, they're all kong ming dengs :):):) there were so many that night, simply turn your head also can see. 

i played with the cutest baby among all the babies available at my grandma's house, he is really veryyyyy cute!!! only 10 months old! the next time i see him he probably can talk already aiyerrr. very cute!

we found the awesomest kitten at my grandpa's orchard, not exactly orchard but land with some plantations..ohyaaa and i entered the building for the swallows to build bird's nest! very dark and dirty but can see bird's nest x) 

so that kitten came running towards us when we were walking around there and we immediately seal the bond! haha more like my sisters cause i don't touch the kitty. but super comel, when we were leaving after playing with it, she still followed all the way out to our car. the next next day we went back to look for it, it appeared again! super awesome :D 

i am going to miss this house. this was where my mom grew up and where we've always stayed in when we balik kampung. but not anymore cause they're going to demolish it for development purposes. it's such a cosy house. what a waste i feel :( it looks so abandoned now :( 

enough of CNY. for now.

today during lecture, everytime ms annyza mentions words like listening, interpersonal communication... i think of Alina. another LDFriendship, it's just different you know :'( 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!!

time to balik kampung :P

hopefully i'll get more new year feel there!

one assignment and one test is over with, now another two more assignments coming... shall get inspiration to brainstorm for ideas for the video-recording assignment in my grandmother's house x)

:D :D :D :D :D