Monday, June 20, 2011

sometimes it's really just the mindset playing the trick

Emo-ness doesn't help you to get things done.
Life is about what you can achieve in the future, not what you couldn't achieve in the past. Goals are set as a motivator (to keep you go on without giving up), not de-motivator (not to make you emo for not achieving it). Winners keep trying.
You know what you want and you know you can achieve it! Always believe in yourself. Get the picture? :P

"It takes FAITH to start, but it takes PERSEVERANCE and DISCIPLINE to finish it" - quoted from Ken :)

what a pleasant surprise. so many things running through my mind this entire day. and just one thing i discovered about myself - when i get unusually high, it doesn't mean i'm perfectly fine. it only means i'm in need of that split second of craziness to shadow over the frustration going on inside. 

okay shush, no more complaints, no more avoiding! *knock knock* whatever happened to the old nothing-in the-world-can-go-wrong you, siew ming? 

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