Monday, September 26, 2011

In a week's time...

leadership assignment's going to be due for submission. and soon after, it'll be audit's turn. then, it's the mid-sem break already O_O omgosh i can't believe how the days just went by like i didn't even live through them enough. whatever happened to no more doing work last minute! sighh feel like slapping myself. and the unmet deadlines for leadership assignment are making me feel terrible. :( so many things running on my mind now...but to most of them i've got no clear answer to it. i know i don't want it that way, but i just can't figure a good way to not let it happen. :( sobs. things can get pretty demotivating when i start thinking about all the bad parts of it. it's just wrong to let them blind myself from seeing the happy things around. so... :) :) i would rather choose to believe that nothing is impossible, as long as we don't lose faith.

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